首页> 外文期刊>Indian Journal of Weed Science >Chemical Weed Control in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)-Farmer's Participatory Approach

Chemical Weed Control in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)-Farmer's Participatory Approach

机译:绿豆(Vigna radiata L.)化学除草-农民的参与式研究

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Mungbean, a major kharif pulse of the state, is badly infested by various weeds due to continuous rains in the monsoon season. Due to frequent rains, sometimes manual hoeing becomes very difficult. The growth of the mungbean crop is very slow during early stages of the crop and weeds overgrow the crop. Season long weed competition in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) culminates yield reduction to an extent of 40-71% (Balyan, 1985). Vats and Sidhu (1977) reported that more than 50% reduction in yield of mungbean was caused due to weeds under Punjab conditions. There are lot of differences among various districts of Punjab in respect of rainfall, temperature and soil type. The soil type at Bathinda is loamy sand, whereas in other districts it varies from medium to heavy (silt to clay). The average annual rainfall at Bathinda, Ludhiana and Gurdaspur was 400, 750 and 1150 mm, respectively. The variation in weed flora and daily temperature was also there in different districts of Punjab. To test the efficacyof different herbicides under different situations, the present investigation was planned.
机译:绿豆是该州的主要哈里夫豆类,由于季风季节持续降雨,因此被各种杂草严重侵染。由于经常下雨,有时手动manual耕变得非常困难。在作物的早期阶段,绿豆作物的生长非常缓慢,杂草使作物过度生长。绿豆(Vigna radiata L.)的整个季节的杂草竞争最终使单产下降了40-71%(Balyan,1985)。 Vats and Sidhu(1977)报告说,由于旁遮普条件下的杂草,导致绿豆单产下降了50%以上。旁遮普邦的各个地区在降雨量,温度和土壤类型方面存在很大差异。 Bathinda的土壤类型为壤质砂土,而在其他地区,土壤类型则从中等到较重(从淤泥到粘土)。 Bathinda,Ludhiana和Gurdaspur的年平均降雨量分别为400、750和1150 mm。旁遮普邦的不同地区也有杂草菌群和日温度的变化。为了测试不同情况下不同除草剂的功效,计划进行本研究。



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