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Serine Protease PrtA from Streptococcus pneumoniae Plays a Role in the Killing of S. pneumoniae by Apolactoferrin




It is known that apolactoferrin, the iron-free form of human lactoferrin, can kill many species of bacteria, including Streptococcus pneumoniae. Lactoferricin, an N-terminal peptide of apolactoferrin, and fragments of it are even more bactericidal than apolactoferrin. In this study we found that apolactoferrin must be cleaved by a serine protease in order for it to kill pneumococci. The serine protease inhibitors were able to block killing by apolactoferrin but did not block killing by a lactoferrin-derived peptide. Thus, the killing of pneumococci by apolactoferrin appears to require a protease to release a lactoferricin-like peptide(s). Incubation of apolactoferrin with growing pneumococci resulted in a 12-kDa reduction in its molecular mass, of which about 7 to 8 kDa of the reduction was protease dependent. Capsular type 2 and 19F strains with mutations in the gene encoding the major cell wall-associated serine protease, prtA, lost much of their ability to degrade apolactoferrin and were relatively resistant to killing by apolactoferrin (P < 0.001). Recombinant PrtA was also able to cleave apolactoferrin, reducing its mass by about 8 kDa, and greatly enhance the killing activity of the solution containing the apolactoferrin and its cleavage products. Mass spectroscopy revealed that PrtA makes a major cut between amino acids 78 and 79 of human lactoferrin, removing the N-terminal end of the molecule (about 8.6 kDa). The simplest interpretation of these data is that the mechanism by which apolactoferrin kills Streptococcus pneumoniae requires the release of a lactoferricin-like peptide(s) and that it is this peptide(s), and not the intact apolactoferrin, which kills pneumococci.
机译:众所周知,人乳铁蛋白的无铁形式脱铁铁蛋白可以杀死许多细菌,包括肺炎链球菌。乳铁蛋白,一种无铁蛋白的N末端肽,其片段比无铁蛋白具有更大的杀菌作用。在这项研究中,我们发现脱铁乳铁蛋白必须被丝氨酸蛋白酶切割才能杀死肺炎球菌。丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂能够阻止脱铁铁蛋白的杀伤,但不能阻止乳铁蛋白衍生的肽的杀伤。因此,用无铁乳铁蛋白杀死肺炎球菌似乎需要蛋白酶释放乳铁蛋白样肽。用不断增长的肺炎链球菌温育过磷酸铁铁蛋白会导致其分子量降低12 kDa,其中约7至8 kDa的降低是蛋白酶依赖性的。荚膜2型和19F菌株在编码主要细胞壁相关丝氨酸蛋白酶prtA的基因中发生突变,丧失了降解Apolacterferrin的能力,并且对Apolactoferrin的杀伤能力相对较弱(P <0.001)。重组PrtA还能够裂解铜铁蛋白,使其质量减少约8kDa,并大大增强了含有铜铁蛋白及其裂解产物的溶液的杀伤活性。质谱分析表明,PrtA在人乳铁蛋白的氨基酸78和79之间产生了一个主要切割,去除了该分子的N末端(约8.6 kDa)。对这些数据的最简单解释是,阿魏铜铁蛋白杀死肺炎链球菌的机理要求释放乳铁蛋白样肽,而该肽而不是完整的古铜铁蛋白可以杀死肺炎球菌。



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