首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research >A Study on Factors Affecting Low Back Pain and Safety and Efficacy of NSAIDs in Acute Low Back Pain in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Nepal

A Study on Factors Affecting Low Back Pain and Safety and Efficacy of NSAIDs in Acute Low Back Pain in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Western Nepal




Introduction: Low back pain is characterized by a range of symptoms which include pain, muscle tension or stiffness, and is localized between the shoulder blades and the folds of the buttocks, with or without spreading to the legs. Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) are the drugs of choice which provide an analgesic effect for acute low back pain.Aim: To study the factors affecting low back pain, efficacy and safety of different non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aceclofenac, diclofenac, naproxen and nimesulide) in low back pain.Methodology: Data collection form and numeric pain rating scale were used as study tools for studying patients? demographies and severities of pain respectively. Patients prescribed with aceclofenac 100 mg , diclofenac 100 mg, naproxen 500 mg and nimesulide 100 mg for acute low back pain at Orthopaedics Outpatients Department of Manipal Teaching Hospital, Nepal, were enrolled in this study. The decrease in pain scores was recorded on 5th and 10th days of follow-up and pain scores were calculated. Descriptive statistics and Kruskal Wallis non parametric test were used for analysis.Results: Among 150 patients, 67.3% were females (n=101). Low back pain was more prevalent (24.7%) in age-group of 59-68 years and a positive correlation was seen. Similarly, low back pain was found to be high among people involved in agriculture, heavy weight lifters and non smokers. The decrease in average pain scores was more in the patients treated with aceclofenac (4.83 ± 0.537), followed by that in those who were treated with naproxen (4.13 ± 0.067) and diclofenac (3.84 ± 0.086). The decrease in pain scores was found to be lowest among patients who were treated with nimesulide (2.11 ± 0.148). Nimesulide presented more number of side-effects than the comparative drugs.Conclusion: Different factors affect low back pain, such as age, gender, personal habit, posture, occupation, weight lifting. Aceclofenac showed greater decrease in pain scores with lesser number of side-effects.
机译:简介:下背部疼痛的特征是一系列症状,包括疼痛,肌肉紧张或僵硬,并且位于肩blade骨和臀部的褶皱之间,有无蔓延到腿部。非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDs)是为急性下背痛提供镇痛作用的首选药物。目的:研究影响下背痛的因素,不同非类固醇类抗炎药(醋氯芬酸)的疗效和安全性方法:将数据收集表和数字疼痛评估量表用作研究患者的研究工具?,双氯芬酸,萘普生和尼美舒利。人口统计学和疼痛程度。尼泊尔马尼帕尔教学医院骨科门诊部开具处方的醋氯芬酸100 mg,双氯芬酸100 mg,萘普生500 mg和尼美舒利100 mg用于急性下腰痛的患者入选本研究。在随访的第5天和第10天记录疼痛评分的降低,并计算疼痛评分。结果:150例患者中,女性占67.3%(n = 101),采用描述性统计和Kruskal Wallis非参数检验进行分析。在59-68岁年龄段,腰背痛更为普遍(24.7%),并且呈正相关。同样,在从事农业,举重运动员和不吸烟者中,腰痛很高。醋氯芬酸治疗组患者的平均疼痛评分下降幅度更大(4.83±0.537),其次是萘普生(4.13±0.067)和双氯芬酸组(3.84±0.086)。发现在接受尼美舒利治疗的患者中,疼痛评分的降低最低(2.11±0.148)。尼美舒利的副作用要多于比较药物。结论:影响下腰痛的因素有很多,例如年龄,性别,个人习惯,姿势,职业,举重。醋氯芬酸在疼痛评分上的降低更大,且副作用数量更少。



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