首页> 外文期刊>International clinical psychopharmacology >Rivastigmine augmentation in the management of chronic schizophrenia with comorbid dementia: an open-label study investigating effects on cognition, behaviour and activities of daily living.

Rivastigmine augmentation in the management of chronic schizophrenia with comorbid dementia: an open-label study investigating effects on cognition, behaviour and activities of daily living.


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Comorbid schizophrenia and dementia is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Because rivastigmine, a reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, appears to delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease, it may also improve or delay the cognitive and behavioural disturbances evident in elderly chronic schizophrenia patients with comorbid cognitive decline. The aim of this study was to investigate augmentative rivastigmine administration in this population and to determine any effect on cognition, behaviour and 'activity of daily living' (ADLs) capabilities. Thirteen subjects with comorbid schizophrenia and dementia were administered open-label oral rivastigmine (9 mg/day) for a period of 12 weeks. The results indicated improvement in Mini-Mental State Examination scores (P<0.01), Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale scores (P<0.001), ADL scores (P<0.01) and Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale scores (P<0.01). Study observations indicate beneficial effects of rivastigmine administration in this subpopulation of schizophrenia patients. Following on from other studies of cholinesterase inhibitor agents, clinical improvement in this patient subpopulation may extend to the class of cholinesterase inhibitor agents in general and not necessarily be a specific effect of any of the medications. The effects noted may be specific to the subpopulation of comorbid schizophrenia and dementia rather than schizophrenia in general. Although speculative, these effects may be related to cholinergic dysfunction, which has been hypothesized to be present in some patients with schizophrenia.
机译:合并症精神分裂症和痴呆症正在变得越来越普遍。由于一种可逆的乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂利凡斯的明似乎延迟了阿尔茨海默氏病的发展,因此它也可能改善或延迟患有合并症的老年慢性精神分裂症患者的认知和行为障碍。这项研究的目的是调查利伐斯的明在该人群中的补充给药,并确定其对认知,行为和“日常生活活动”(ADL)能力的影响。十三名患有合并症的精神分裂症和痴呆患者接受了开放性口服卡巴拉汀(9 mg /天)治疗,持续12周。结果表明,小精神状态检查评分(P <0.01),阿尔茨海默病评估量表认知亚量表评分(P <0.001),ADL评分(P <0.01)和阳性和阴性综合症量表评分(P <0.01)均有改善。 。研究观察结果表明,在此精神分裂症患者亚群中使用卡巴拉汀的有益作用。继对胆碱酯酶抑制剂的其他研究之后,该患者亚群的临床改善可能总体上可扩展到胆碱酯酶抑制剂的类别,不一定是任何药物的特效。注意到的影响可能特定于共病精神分裂症和痴呆的亚群,而不是一般的精神分裂症。尽管是推测性的,但这些作用可能与胆碱能功能障碍有关,据推测在某些精神分裂症患者中存在胆碱能功能障碍。



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