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Need and acceptability of story books intended to help with the process of informing children about their HIV status in Malawi: a mixed methods study


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The rate of disclosure of HIV status to children living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa remains low despite the World Health Organisation's recommendation that children should be told about their HIV status by the age of 12 years. Authors of previous studies have identified lack of disclosure materials as the main barrier to disclosure of HIV status. This study aimed to assess the need and acceptability of a series of age-appropriate children story books intended to help with informing children about their HIV status. Questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions were used to collect data from caregivers, healthcare workers, and school teachers, adolescents living with HIV, and community leaders across the three administrative regions of Malawi. Information about the need and acceptability of the story books and the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants was collected using reliable instruments. Quantitative data were tabulated while thematic analysis was used to analyse qualitative data. Almost 600 participants responded to the survey questionnaire, and 19 interviews and 12 focus groups were conducted with 106 participants. Ninety-eight per cent of participants supported the idea of developing the proposed series of story books and reported that they would use the books once they are developed. Most of the participants expressed that the books will help to improve their knowledge and understanding of HIV disclosure, increase their confidence on how to disclose and help to provide consistent information about HIV disclosure to children.The results of this study show a high acceptability rate of the story books. The process of HIV disclosure to children is a very complex issue that will require the development of guidelines and materials that are rigorously evaluated prior to dissemination.
机译:尽管世界卫生组织的建议,但在12岁的时候,艾滋病毒在撒哈拉以南非洲居住在撒哈拉以南非洲的艾滋病毒儿童享有艾滋病毒疾病状况的速度仍然很低。先前研究的作者已经确定缺乏披露材料作为披露艾滋病毒状态的主要障碍。本研究旨在评估一系列适合年龄的儿童故事书籍的需求和可接受,旨在帮助孩子们向孩子们提供艾滋病毒状态。调查问卷,访谈和焦点小组讨论用于收集来自护理人员,医疗保健工作者和学校教师,与艾滋病毒的青少年的数据,以及跨马拉维三个行政区域的社区领导者。使用可靠的仪器收集了故事书籍的需求和可接受性和参与者的社会血统特征的信息。标记定量数据,而主题分析用于分析定性数据。近600名与会者回应了调查问卷,19名访谈和12个焦点小组进行了106名参与者进行。 98%的参与者支持开发拟议的故事书系列的想法,并报告说,他们将在制定出来一旦开发出书籍。大多数参与者表示,这本书将有助于提高他们对艾滋病毒披露的知识和理解,增加他们对如何披露的信心,并帮助提供有关儿童艾滋病毒披露的一致性信息。这项研究的结果表明了高可接受性率故事书。艾滋病毒披露给儿童的过程是一个非常复杂的问题,需要在传播之前经过严格评估的准则和材料的发展。



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